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Getting Started

Taxlity offer solution for tax calculation in volusion store. You are only steps away from using Taxlity for hassle free tax calculation in volusion.

Grab an account of your own in Taxlity

Here’s the link you can use to get started taxlity.virtina.com

Enroll with the above information and hit “Get Started” to start using the Taxlity services

Configure the setting to move on!

Fill out all mandatory details mentioned in the settings form.

Taxlity settings

Choose the plan which is apt for your business and fill all the required field in that section.

TaxJar settings

In this you get the TaxJar API token from your TaxJar account and paste it here.

Volusion settings

Configure your Volusion store URL, username & encrypted password which you have already generated from the Volusion store. You came across the installation document where you generated the encrypted password.

You shipping from

Complete this section with your “From Address” details.

Your are now done with the configuration of Taxlity account settings.

You are in to the Dashboard

Category mapping

Map the Volusion category with the TaxJar category for calculating the tax.

Sync Nexus State

You can see the states you have configured, in your TaxJar Account..


You can manage your orders. All completed, in progress and refunded transactions will be listed.

Transaction Backfill

This option helps to backfill the missing order in TaxJar and Taxlity.

How It Appears in TaxJar Account